Ok as you all know that this week is sabbaticals and yeah I went to 电影超人变变变! It may sound a bit childish to you and for us as well when we first went to this sabbaticals (: However, after the first day, we found out that movie-watching was all we did in class and the movies were not those kind of boring and old movies but they were movies which were just released not long ago (But the bad thing is that they didn't show us any English movies:D) and all those chinese movies that we watch were engaging and "addictive" and the movie that I felt left the deepest impression in my mind was actually "Bodyguards and Assassins" which was actually a NC-16 movie but.. who cares? :)
To give a overview, Bodyguards and Assassins is actually a movie of a group of ordinary men and women who actually possess extraordinary fighting skills. They must protect the one man Dr. Sun Yat-Sen who holds a nation’s fate and he must survive relentless attempts on his life with only these five bodyguards. Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, the Father of Modern China has come to China to investigate the revolution of 1911 that overturns the Qing Dynasty, and his life is almost cut short when he arrives at Hong Kong for a secret meeting to establish a united anti-Qing revolutionary front. Against hundreds of assassins, the five bodyguards must put their courage to the test in order to protect the hope of millions even if it means fighting to the death…
This movie is a one of a kind movie as I feel that it describes very clearly about the tough times that the Chinese were facing and how hard it was to overthrow the Qing government and restore "humanity" to the Chinese. Following that were the sacrifices of the 5 bodyguards and how they sacrificed their lives for the sake and the future of their country and how hard they fought to prevent the assassins from achieving their goal, that is to murder Sun Yat-Sen.
The movie moved us and we were all touched by how the bodyguards, even tho' heavily outnumbered, were still resilient and they didn't give up, fighting to the last breath and till the last minute. With many twists in the plot, we were taken aback at some parts of the story and the nicest part of the movie was the superb fighting scenes and dramatic actions. (:
One of the characters in the movie was Wang Fuming and I loved this character as he is somewhat of a "human giant" with hands four times bigger than an ordinary human's. He is an outcast monk from the Southern Shaolin Monastery who became a stinky toufu vendor. and seeks redemption in order to return to his former monastery. He has a gigantic build and possesses immense strength. However, he was the first of the five to be killed after being stabbed numerous times by the assassins but reappears one last time to destroy a structure to block the assassins' path and then sacrifices himself and stalling time for the other bodyguards to make their escape.
Conduct an interview with a friend (not from HCI) or family member. Find out from their point of view on prejudice and discrimination. Either record the interview or write out the interview transcript.
Haha so for this interview, I really wanted to interview my hci friends at first as I feel that since they have learnt about prejudice and discrimination through mockingbird, they will most probably have a deeper understandingand should be able to give an even detailed explanation on what is prejudice and discrimination.
However, Since friends not from HCI are all in school now, then I'm left with interviewing my parents. As my mum speaks mostly in chinese, it will be hard for me to interview her in English and then translate her answers from Chinese to English, therefore I think my dad will be a much better choice(:
Ok, to start off, I began asking my dad thedefinition of prejudice and discrimination. Q: Dad, what do you think is the definition of prejudice and your opinion on it? A:The key distinction in the definition ofPrejudice is in its reference to pre-judgment. For example, deciding on a person’s qualities, characteristics and their race, before knowing the facts. In general, prejudice refers to “any unreasonable attitude that is unusually resistant to rational influence.” and it is synonymous to ''bias'' and ''prepossess''.
Q: Dad, now may I ask you what do you think of discrimination? A: Discriminationsimply refers to the recognition of differences among people and making choices based upon those qualities, whether a not they are perceived or real.
Afterthat, I start to focus ondiscrimination and the different types of discriminations. Q: Then, how do you feel of the term "racial discrimination"? A: Hmm.. I feel that Racial Discrimination means any exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, color, or national origin which has the purpose of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life. Q: Can you give examples of Racial Discrimination? A: For example, based on this definition ofRacial Discrimination, racial profiling by police would be considered racial discrimination.
Lastly, I ended the interview withexamples of prejudice(: Q: Can you give a few examples of prejudice in our daily life? A: Prejudicecan take many forms. Some are natural, such as a parent being prejudicial when it involves their child. A parent's natural instinct is to unconditionally accept what their child is saying without "looking at both sides" of a situation. Some are taught, such as prejudice against people who are of a different nationality, color, or religion. This is not just one-sided, for example, white against black. I've known many black people who were prejudiced but didn't think they were as well as white people who thought the same. Virusboyy~Havoc@Havoc-creation(:
Who would you want to be friends with in the novel? Explain. O_O
Basically, I would like to make friends with everyone in the novel because Harper Lee has crafted deep and detailed images of all the characters in the story in our minds and the characters like Boo Radley and Atticus Finch makes the story a bit more engaging and interesting because of their different personalities and characters and I believe that it will be fun to make friends with people of different kinds and expand your social network so as to not make yourself a boring and as what we call "emo" person(:
If I were to choose just one character, I would like to be friends with Boo Radley. Boo Radley is a very mysterious figure that did not appear frequently in the novel, appearing only at the first few chapters of the book and at the end where he saved Jem and Scout from Bob Ewell. This makes the character very mysterious and gives readers a feeling of wanting to find out more about him and have a deeper mutual understanding of him. Therefore, I would like to make friends with him and then know more about him, his personal life and why he is so shy and embarrassed and maybe show him the way to the light and make him break free from his lonely cycle(:
Furthermore, the people in Maycomb seem to have many prejudices against the Radleys and thus as rumours spread, it gives an impression on people that the Radleys are bad and more and more people will stay away from them and thus making them feel even more lonely and isolated. Like for example, they did not follow the Maycomb custom and warshipped at home instead, therefore, they are isolated from Maycomb society and this is a case of a religion prejudice.
Hence, I feel that by making friends with Boo and his family, I can show to the world that Boo is not what they think he is and he is actually just a quiet and innocent boy who is wrongly mistaken by the world. If I can show that I can be friends with Boo Radley, people will know that being different is not a bad thing and perhaps they may not have prejudice against other people anymore. Virusboyy~Havoc@Havoc-creation(:
♥ Havoc@ Multiple Intelligence Test (:
-{'6:54 AM
Woah didnt know that I was an Interpersonal and Intrapersonal boy! O.O Ok this may sound quite random at first but Am I? Am I really an Interpersonal person? A Intrapersonal person? This is the results of the ever so impossible MI test. 40 questions of Multiple Intelligence was not that simple at all. Beforehand, I thought that I would be a musical person because I love music kay like Lady Gaga Bad Romance etc. (: However, I would never have expected that I was an Interpersonal and Intrapersonal boy which is actually both people smart and.. myself smart? haha guess I know myself very well :D
Hmm.. Wow I think my interpersonal skill is high cuz maybe its because of me liking to interact with people and be a so-called team player rather then someone who works alone(: Haha I am so not a pest kay -.- Because you may need this set of intelligence when you grow up and start to work with people you get to know one day, sometimes its hard for you to survive on your own, without anyone's guidance and help and thus I feel that Interpersonal is actually very important for your -ahem- "survival" (:
Haha, as for Ok, as for intrapersonal, maybe the test screwed up a bit, but I believed that since its a "Multi-Intelligence Test" it should be quite accurate :D Maybe I know ME and have an enhancing self-esteem, along with a bit of self-awareness. The meaning of intrapersonal also includes "improving problem-solving skills and analyzing abilities." and "the need for increasing self-control and reducing the level of stress". and I know that I have self control and yeah will never find myself as stressed(: As for problemsolving skills, I hate maths haha but I think I can analyze problems and maybe I do have some problemsolving skills:D *It is important in life
to be your own best friend rather than your own worst enemy. Beneficent Intrapersonal communication is the key to loving oneself. And I feel that by loving yourself, you will have the ability to love others and create good energy. * Virusboyy~Havoc@Havoc-creation(:
Virusboyy ♥
A normal boy with deep secrets :D
Haha ♥
A free to love guy who is filled with randomness (:
Loves6a'08 npcs and hci 2o2'10
Loves temptation (:
Wana gett lots of english ace so th guy is reviving this blog
Be my follower guys! ^^
Zheyi aka Virusboyy ♥ 13thFEBBB , his day . :D Teach me how to laugh .
my loveees
• Jerseys .
• Clothings .
• Bugis-ing . :D
• Random-ing .
• Stoning .
• Gaming .
• Mugging .
• You must understand that mugging is one thing I nvr crave for . :D